What We Can Learn from Doves in the Bedroom
Doves aren’t my favorite bird species, but there is always an exception, isn’t there? These two stole the show with their suave romance and subsequent nesting next to our house.
FLASHBACK – Encounter Date: March 1, 2017
I’m not sure how I continue to be surprised by spring mating, but I somehow never expect to get an eyeful. Usually, it’s over before I know it, and I’m left with a series of not-well-framed, slightly blurry photos due to poor reaction time.
However, these doves gave me a perfect photo shoot, demonstrating why “lovey-dovey” is a phrase your grandmother used. We could learn a lot from them about the woo and execution of love:
1. Look your best – there is a reason adult film stars have fluffers.

2. Be sure to nail the dismount.

3. Show your appreciation for a job well-done.

Love Story
These two proceeded to tend a nest and raise two chicks in a nearby tree, giving me a front row seat to the whole arc of this romance. Thanks to them, doves have a softer spot in my heart now. See for yourself in the Flickr gallery below:

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