March 24-30, 2019
It was an amazing week, filled with gaining the trust of a hardworking, sweet crow family and watching five little crows go from almost too small to see over the nest’s edge to rambunctious, curious babies.
You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!
Sadly, my love affair with this family is coming to a close. We are headed back to Austin, leaving our friends here in New Orleans with peanuts and perhaps some new friends to get to know.
For those of you who missed it, I’ve spent a week watching a nest of young crows. My best estimate is that I began observation when they were 10-12 days old, and they were tended by parents and one helper. Below, there are links to all the posts in this Nest Watch series.

And here is a compilation video of all seven days of footage, edited down to 2 minutes for those of you who prefer Cliff Notes.
So How Did the Week Unfold?
Here’s a quick summary, but you can also click through to each individual blog post to get each day’s detailed observations.
Crow Babies: Day 1
Crow Babies: Day 2
Crow Babies: Day 3
Crow Babies: Day 4
Crow Babies: Days 5 & 6
Crow Babies: Day 7
Equipment Geekery
For those of you who are curious, the nest watch photos and video were all shot with my Canon 1D Mark IV, with a Tamron 150-600mm Gen 2 lens with a Tamron 1.4x extender.
The extender really cuts light and quick focus ability for an otherwise pretty responsive super-zoom lens, but in this case, with it mounted on a tripod focused on a fixed location, it worked out pretty well. I can tell there is some give on quality, but the extra reach was very helpful when dealing with such small targets.
I haven’t shot much video with this setup, but I’m trying to take advantage of it more often. Again, this kind of stationary setup worked the best of anything I’ve tried. If I wanted to focus on video quality, I’d definitely look into different equipment, but since photography is really my love, this fills a handy gap when motion is a better way to show the experience.
I bumbled my way through very amateur editing in Adobe Premier Pro, because I had it and I didn’t want to search for something else. I’m sure my videographer friends and crying and gnashing their teeth at my execution on all fronts, but I readily admit that this part of my storytelling would need a big push to achieve enter the Big Leagues. Until then, this is what we get.
All the Media
For those of you who don’t want the commentary and just want the gratuitously cute pictures and video, here is a Flickr Photo Gallery and a YouTube Playlist to give you the happy!

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